Hoopfest is an annual skills competition held at the completion of the Fall/Winter season for
WMBA community club players ages 4-12.

The idea for the competition came up to the WMBA board table as an idea on how to add to and enhance the scope of the league by then President Mike Ruta.

In 2001 Hoopfest was organized and brought to fruition by WMBA founding member Larry Kabez (Vince Leah), Secretary of the Association at the time. Larry took the idea and with the help of a handful of individuals who he recognized as key contributors to the league within their roles as coaches, convenors and those of high basketball knowledge was able to set up a committee to shape the concept. The role of Adam Wedlake (Basketball Manitoba) of Basketball Manitoba was pivotal in these planning discussions. The idea of stations with focus on essential basketball skills became the format for Hoopfest. Larry then planned the logistical timeline for the scheduling in order to execute the event in a smooth fashion. With the help of Lori Hiscock (Gateway) and Jan Mashinter (now Jan Voss)(Valley Gardens) appropriate participation recognition and prize awards were assembled.

Jerry Ross was asked to be the Master of Ceremonies. Jerry kept the days proceedings in fluid motion.
A list of station volunteers, who changed every 2 hours throughout the day was also compiled by Larry. These station volunteers tallied scores and communicated results to the head table.

Catering for all day volunteers and medical first aid on site was also on Larry’s preparation slate. The event proved to be a tremendous success providing fun and enjoyment for the participants and has been implemented by the league annually to date.

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